Greek Post Office in Smirna 1858/1922: The collection on Exhibit
leaves (covers/cards 35) with 1858 and 1861 covers (2) to Syra with
Greek Post Office in Smirna 1858/1922: The collection on Exhibit
leaves (covers/cards 35) with 1858 and 1861 covers (2) to Syra with
Greek P.O. Smirna cds, 1863 entire letter from Smirna to Syra sent
unpaid and franked at 50 lepta with 10 l. and 40 l. on arrival,
1867 prepaid entires (2) with same 50 l. franking to Cefalonia and
Syra; 1868/71 covers (4) from Smirna rated 50 l. on arrival (one
with 20 l. pair, the others with single 40 l. franking); 1870/72
prepaid covers (2) with 40 l. tied dotted "96" numeral on despatch,
1875 cover to Syra with Postage Due 60 l. tied on arrival; 1878
covers at 30 l. rate (2) with single franking 30 l. brown (Athens
print) and another with 10 l. and 20 l., Turkish anti-Greek label
of 1919 "Smyrne restera Turque", 1920/21 covers (2) each with Greek
Censor labels used to Constantinople; 1921/22 period with
covers/cards (15) all from Smirna with various frankings from
Printed Matter to Registered, two bearing Women's Patriotic League
labels etc. Condition varies but a magnificent collection