1938/53: A group of six unused examples all with varieties,
comprising three unused examples with 'Mountaineer flaw' on 2 d.
black &
1938/53: A group of six unused examples all with varieties,
comprising three unused examples with 'Mountaineer flaw' on 2 d.
black & red-orange, perf. 13, 2 d. black & vermilion, perf. 14 and
2 d. black & scarlet, perf. 14, all large part og. and lightly
mounted mint (Gi 41aa, 41ba & 41ca = £1,075). Also, 1½ d. black &
vermilion perf. 13½ with variety 'Davit flaw' (5/1) in an unused
upper left corner block of fifteen, of fresh and fine appearance,
large part og. unmounted. And 1½ d. black & vermilion perf. 13½,
block of four with variety 'Davit flaw', as well as a vertical left
side marginal pair with the same variety, both unmounted (Gi
40/40a). Minor imperfections otherwise a fine and scarce assembly
Gi = £ 2'415+