1856/1949: Collection housed within one large album comprising
predominately unused material, with a selection of used and some
1856/1949: Collection housed within one large album comprising
predominately unused material, with a selection of used and some
covers, with 1856 6 d. blue used (5) with four margins, other early
issues in used and unused condition noted an unused 1864/80 6 d.
milky-blue fresh and part og. (Gi 29) and 1884 ½ d. yellow-green
unused example with variety "N" and "Y" of 'HALFPENNY' spaced (Row
18, stamp 12, position 216) with large part og. and fresh (Gi 35a).
There are a number of complete sets particularly from George V
onwards, and a few Specimen stamps. The collection has a
specialised section with an eye catching array of examples showing
varieties on the Badge of St. Helena 1922/37 issue including "Cleft
Rock", "Torn Flag" and "Broken Mast" on various values often as an
unused example within a block or multiple. A fine collection Gi = £