French Indian Settlements 1837/1945c.: The collection (181 items
incl. 69 covers/cards) with 1837 entire from Pondichery to
Bordeaux, 1855
French Indian Settlements 1837/1945c.: The collection (181 items
incl. 69 covers/cards) with 1837 entire from Pondichery to
Bordeaux, 1855 entire from St. Denis, Réunion to Karikal with
circular "PP" in black and rate altered to "0.90" in manuscript
with fine "Bureau de Pondichery" arrival cds; 1856 cover from
Karikal without despatch cds and solely cancelled "PD" in red, not
taxed on arrival in Marseille; 1857 entires (2) with "Bureau de
Pondichery" to Marseille, 1859/65 Eagle issues cancelled by the
dotted lozenge incl. strip of three 40 c. and strip of four 80 c.,
1875 Cérès 30 c. bistre brown pair on cover freom Pondichery to
Bordeaux (signed Calves), 1871 and 11872 Naoleon and Cérès values
used in India, 1878 cover with Type Sage 20 c. imperf. to Nantes,
1884 cover with Dubois 25 c. yellow ex Pondichery, Advice of
Despatch receipt with 10 c. cancelled "Inde / Mahé" cds (rare);
1892 set of thirteen unused and usages of the issue on cards and
covers incl. scarce taxed usage with Austrian Dues, 1906 cover with
1892 10 c. from Chandernagor and a registered 35 c. franking from
Chandernagor; 10 c. on sitar player card with Karikal obliterator,
postal stationery unused and used; 1903/05 usages to British India
franked with Indian adhesives in combination; rare "0.40" on 50 c.
carmine used on in-period 1904 cover (rare, signed Roumet), range
of Red Cross issue covers, delightful ange of 1920/1930's issue
covers, WWII usages from 1940-45, viewing is a pleasure