Austrian P.O.'s in Romania 1867/68: Group two unfranked covers
incl. 1867 entire letter from Jassy to Bergischeste / Berchișești
Austrian P.O.'s in Romania 1867/68: Group two unfranked covers
incl. 1867 entire letter from Jassy to Bergischeste / Berchișești
nearby Gura Humora in the Bukowina, struck by "JASSY 25 / 2"
ornamental despatch cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 757), CZERNOWITZ and
GURAHUMORA transit (27 / 2) cds's, taxed with '15' kreuzer upon
arrival, also 1868 cover Galatz to Marseille struck by large
"GALATZ 8 / 5 68" cds of the Hungarian postal administration
(Tchilinghirian fig. 745), TEMESVAR, WIEN and PARIS transit cds's
in black, French "AUTR. STRASBOURG" entry cds in blue as well as
MARSEILLE arrival (May 16) cds in black, '10' décimes due upon
arrival. Appealing duo