1810/2007: Accumulation of Italy beginning with intersting album of
covers from prephilately on including several classicals covers
1810/2007: Accumulation of Italy beginning with intersting album of
covers from prephilately on including several classicals covers
(mixed condition), a cover 'Posta Estera' with 10 c. + 10 c.+25 c.
on registered cover from "MASSAUA" 1885, a complete B.L.P. form
with adjacent reply card, franked with 20 c. stamp and additional
franking and exposition cancel "TRIESTE 1922", item looks
uncirculated but magnificent and many other interesting items.
Three stock books with unmounted modern collection and duplication;
there are two albums with San Marino, one album for the covers and
the postcards, the other for the stamps. Inspection recommended