1850/57: Interesting and impressive collection of about 2'500 used
adhesives, some multiples and pieces, collected with emphasis on
1850/57: Interesting and impressive collection of about 2'500 used
adhesives, some multiples and pieces, collected with emphasis on
shade interest, offsets, printing types, print runs, cancellations,
especially the MILANO framed datestamp and San Vito two-line
datestamp incl. 1850 carta a mano 5 c. orange (40), also two
examples with imprint on front and reverse (Sassone 13), 10 c.
black (40), 15 c. red (Sassone 3-6, 250 + 25 + 90 + 240), 30 c.
brown (Sassone 7-9, 400 + 160), 45 c. blue (Sassone 10-12, 250 +
100 + 40), carta a coste verticali 15 c. vermillion (2), 30 c.
brown (9), and 45 c. blue (14), carta a macchina 10 c. black (13),
15 c. vermillion (500), 30 c. brown (300), and 45 c. blue (100),
the 15, 30 & 45 centesimi values collected with special interest in
printing varieties, these localised and sorted accordingly. A well
structured collection on sheets with an additional album containing
also later adhesives, ideally for expansion, several competent